題號:104 標題:Maximum Depth of Binary Tree難度:Easy
Given the root of a binary tree, return its maximum depth.
A binary tree's maximum depth is the number of nodes along the longest path from the root node down to the farthest leaf node.
Time Limit Exceeded的程式碼
int check(struct TreeNode* root2,int D2){
if(root2 == NULL){
return 0;
}else if(root2->left != NULL || root2 -> right != NULL){
D2= D2+1;
if(check(root2->left,D2) > check(root2->right,D2)){
D2 = check(root2->left,D2);
D2 = check(root2->right,D2);
return D2;
int maxDepth(struct TreeNode* root){
int D = 1;
return check(root,D);
int check(struct TreeNode* root2,int D2){
if(root2 == NULL){
return 0;
}else if(root2->left != NULL || root2 -> right != NULL){
D2= D2+1;
int l = check(root2->left,D2);
int r = check(root2->right,D2);
if(l > r){
D2 =l;
D2 =r;
return D2;
int maxDepth(struct TreeNode* root){
int D = 1;
return check(root,D);
今天花比較多時間在解決Time Limit Exceeded的問題,最後發現我在if裡面recursive,導致不必要的call function,改為用變數存return的值再去做判斷,就沒有這個問題啦